Unit 3: Civil Rights and Native Americans


  • What are some important ways that Native American tribes have separately and together participated in struggles for civil rights and liberties?

Unit overview and caveats: There are hundreds of Native American tribes and Indigenous peoples in the United States. There is much, much more to explore, but here are some examples of struggles for civil rights, most focused on our Pacific Northwest. (Folks in other places can and should explore curriculum for tribes in their area.)


Keywords: Tribal Sovereignty, Treaty, Settler, Settler Colonialism, “Boarding School,” Genocide



Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
Civil Rights

Lauren Cooper, “Native American Activism 1960s to Present”

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
(Young People’s version adapted by Debbie Reese and Jean Mendoza)
Chapter 10, “Indigenous Actions, Indigenous Rights”

“Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State” curriculum

“The Pacific Northwest Fish Wars: What Kinds of Actions Can Lead to Justice?” (Online lesson,videos, worksheets: Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian)

Tara Houska (Couchiching), “The Standing Rock Resistance and our fight for indigenous rights” (TED talk, 12 mins) https://www.ted.com/talks/tara_houska_the_standing_rock_resistance_and_our_fight_for_indigenous_rights

Vine Deloria, Jr., Custer Died For Your Sins (1969, book, excerpts to be copied)
Chapters: “Indians: the Real and Unreal”
“The Red and the Black” (relationships between Native Americans and African Americans)
“A Redefinition of Indian Affairs” (on the Civil rights movement)

“How the U.S. stole thousands of Indian children” (3 minute video, VOX)

United Nations Declaration of Rights On the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (for indigenous adolescents)

“1969 Occupation of Alcatraz” (3-page handout for high school with photos and discussion questions, Ryan Markel)


Artistic responses: